We came home last Monday on
such a high from the wedding
Our spirits were soaring.......
but Tuesday morning brought us
back to reality
One of our dear friends at church was
killed in a motorcycle accident that morning
Thank goodness for our wonderful church family,
we have just wrapped our arms around each
other and our dear friend's wife and hung on!
Such a bittersweet time losing a dear friend
but also knowing he is in the very presence
of our Lord and Savior rejoicing and praising
God the Father
What a blessing for him, what a terrible loss for us
After I came out of my disbelief and fog
I began pouring myself back into my crafting and
I found it to be very therapeutic and calming
Here are some of the things I accomplished this week
Who knew.....crafting is good for the soul
I've had a lot of folks say - I would never know what to put on a wired frame......
So I decided to add a few "finished"
ones to my sale list for the booth
An old bottle with dried flowers, faux relatives
an old key......I think it might work for
those who'd rather have a finished product |
I also colored some small mason jars
light cranberry and added a little trim
And look what I did with two old whiskey bottles
and no they weren't mine....I bought them at the flea market for $1.00
...... crafting kept my hands busy
as my mind wandered in thoughts of
my dear friend who lost her husband
and my constant prayers on her behalf
I thought I might add a few pillows to my booth
Here is my first try at decorating a pillow
I like the simplicity of this painted wine bottle
I thank the Lord for creativity and energy
even in dark times
We can never understand why these bad things
happen but I know without a doubt that God's
plan and will for each of us is perfect and holy