weekend home in the
(just outside Canton, Texas)
It's the perfect place for his friends
and family to gather for a little relaxation
It's called
As you enter the farm gate and
take the winding road through the woods it
will lead you to the main country house
(that's another blog post)
.......however if you continue down the
winding dirt road on the ten acre property
you'll come to a charming guest cottage
My daughter, granddaughter,
and myself have fallen in love
with the cottage and have claimed it
our special getaway place
(oh and perhaps we'll let other guest stay there too)
So my sweet son has given
us the privilege (and budget)
of furnishing and decorating
this darling place
We're doing a shabby chic makeover
and this past weekend hubby and I
started the process
(just call us Chip and Joanna
from HGTV fixer upper)
Here's what it looked like when we started
an old table with a radio on top |
a pretty teal couch son ordered |
and daughter donated a table and chairs |
The chairs and couch were new purchases
but most everything else was
re-cycled, re-purposed, and re-designed
a small corner in the living area
(there is NO TV, but a great old fashioned radio)
The kitchen is at the back of the main room |
we decided a tray in the kitchen
to cover your wine and coffee needs
was a must!!
and did I mention that the property came
with a large pot-belly pig named
so in his honor I did a little pig
collection over the kitchen sink
and now before and after pics
of the bedrooms......
Before -Bedroom #One
I painted the turquoise table white
and it's now across from the twin beds
Before -Bedroom # Two
Wall across from bed
The screened porch will be so fun to shabby up!
(a few rocking chairs and a table and chairs for outside dining)
Daughter and I will continue the
makeover process over the summer
Until then........
Every Little Birdie says
Stayed tuned for more news
on Pork Chop and Shady Pines