Wednesday, December 7, 2016

Christmas Open House 2016

Welcome to Every Little Birdie's
Christmas Open House

Please come in.......

We love to have friends and family visit our 
home all through the year, 
but especially during this beautiful season

🎝🎜🎝🎜   "I'm dreaming of a white Christmas"  πŸŽœπŸŽπŸŽœπŸŽ

"Oh Holy Night, the stars are  brightly shining"

🎝🎜🎝🎜 "I'll be home for Christmas"🎝🎜🎝🎜

(My Mom, Sister and her hubby will be joining us)

"It is the night of our dear Savior's birth"

And a Happy New Year!!!

From our Home to yours....

Christmas Blessings
to you and your family

Thank you for visiting our Christmas Open House

Every Little Birdie says
May you know the love of Christ
this Christmas
and throughout the coming year