Once there was a girl who dared to dream......
God heard her dreams and said,
"This child has the faith and determination
to accomplish the impossible.
And He set her dreams on wings to fly!
She soared on those God given wings,
she reached for the highest of heights.
Sometimes star bound, occasionally
dipping and falling but always rebounding
to greater heights.
Her wings grew strong and she flew with courage.
When fear and disappointment tried to take her off course,
she would find the ability to overcome each challenge,
she would think above the
problem and gain wind beneath her wings
to lift her even higher.
She believed in the beauty of her dreams,
she found inner strength, patience, and endurance
to direct her path toward her vision.
And finally, Our Sweet Girl, your dreams
which took flight and soared towards the heavens
have become your DESTINY !!
You have fought the good fight
and you have accomplished the impossible.
We are so very proud of you
and give eternal thanks to God
for giving you wings to fly.
SFA Alumni, My Sister Tricia, 1974 and Jennifer 2016 |
With tremendous pride, admiration,
and love from your entire family
Congratulations "Miss Jennifer"
Your future is bright!!
Every Little Birdie says,
I'm One Proud Mama
Jennifer has always wanted to teach!
She started college after high school but dropped out when marriage and children came along. She decided to home school her children through their elementary years, loving every minute of it. Once they reached Middle School they started public school and Jennifer started teaching Pre-K at the Early Childhood Development Center in Grapevine, Texas. Her extreme love for teaching finally lead her back to college in pursuit of her teaching degree. While juggling the role of wife, mother of two teens, and Pre-K teacher she took online courses and attended evening classes. It took years of determination, sacrifice, hard work, long hours, and a strong focus.
I am proud to say that this weekend our daughter, Jennifer, graduated Summa Cum Laude from Stephen F. Austin with a Bachelor of Science in Interdisciplinary Studies Degree.
She is starting her new job as a Kindergarten teacher
at Cannon Elementary in Grapevine, Texas
Cannon is the leading STEM school in Texas
Jennifer loves the STEM concept of teaching
(Science, Technology, Engineering, Math)
Check out her "Sweet Pea" blog here
Jennifer created this blog for the parents
of her Pre-K students